Thursday, May 20, 2010

Says Goodbye Zen

Wana know how bad is the political unrest in bangkok?
Just one picture alone tells everything.

Picture taken from

I was there taking pictures this January. The flag stood on a ground supposedly to be a fountain. And now, its dark, gloommy and Zen plaza, part of one of the biggest shopping malls in SEA, Central World, is now facing a possibility of collapse. If it does, its a huge impact I guess. Its either going to hit the major roads infront of Big C shopping centre, or hit the BTS, bangkok's most convenient transport trains' railway. Or maybe hitting the next tower of Central World.

Number of deaths are increasing since protest in March. I wonder when will all these end and how.

"People killing people dying, children hurting hear them crying..."

"Where is the love?...the love...the love... "